When I decided to redesign scissorkick, I promised myself that I’d spend more time posting a wider variety of music. Because of the energy DJs employ to scour the web for new tracks, it’s been really easy to generate great responses to the more esoteric remixes, digitized vinyl and brand new cuts that I post. But this site is a reflection of a personal musical taste — one that often places contrasting sounds within a single playlist. A place where perhaps like-minded fans of a multitude of genres can feel less schizophrenic about the conflicting sounds they love.

So to balance out the spate of recent eclectic electronic stuff, you get a post from Torche, the Miami, FL four-piece who have been a recent fixture on the iPod and who fit well on SK because they hit so many of the appealing touch points of hard music styles — metal, stoner, noise, math, etc. I think most people who think Florida + Metal think of cities like Gainesville so it’s a rarity to post some really solid from Miami. Like SK favorites Jesu, these dudes ply their trade with a potent formula of sound-drenched melody, but unlike them, they have no problem shifting speeds and alternating degrees of accessibility. Today’s post is my favorite rock tune of late and summarizes the record really, really well. It also doesn’t hurt that they are my early favorites for best album title of the year.

Jesu, Pelican, Chavez, Hum, Part Chimp, The Sword
