ScissorMix 15: Oldish

As the title implies, this is a bit of a different type of mix than previous ones. Every track is over 35 years old. Ok, 2 are relatively recent. But they lean heavily on some old samples. Despite its oldness, I think this mix fits into the same vibe as some of the other stuff that’s been put on here. They’re chock-full of big beats…

The Changes

Aug 23rd, 2006 Rock steve 2 min read

I first posted The Changes way back on November, 17 2004 and I cannot believe that it’s creeping up on two years since I first heard “When I Wake, “ a near perfect pop song that still hasn’t lost its luster. Well, good things come to those who wait, and on September 26th, I highly recommend you rush out and get a copy of “Today…