Well, we’re just barely a week into April and the temperature has already cracked the 90 degree mark here in New York City. So, since we’re apparently skipping over those precious few Spring days and headed straight into the sticky, lethargy-inducing humidity of summer, I’ve decided to post something from an album that’s strong enough to just throw on and enjoy from start to finish.

No Mas, the new Javelin album, is perfect for those of us who are just too goddamn hot and lazy to fuss around with what’s coming out of the stereo. Just cue it up, let it play, and you won’t have to think about your music selection for a solid 40 minutes.

There’s seriously so many amazing tracks on this album that’s it’s tough to pick one. I’ve seen that the opening track, Vibrationz, has gotten some well-deserved notoriety on the blogs. But I’m feeling the New Orleans-y vibe of “Intervales Theme”. The muted guitar lines that open the track would easily feel at home on any classic Meters cut. And while the track lacks Joseph Zigaboo Modeliste’s spaghetti-armed drum lines, the groove doesn’t disappoint.

But don’t let this track fool you, there’s much more to this album than classic, smooth funk riffs. There’s plenty of diversity going on here and lots of interesting, innovative (yet totally palatable) musical goodness. From airy synth-pop complete with catchy vocals to hip hop loops, this album will really keep you engaged the whole way through. The energy level remains remarkably consistent; The peaks never get too high and the valleys never get too low. I’m sure I’ve emphasized it enough but it’s really just an album to throw on and enjoy from start to finish.

RIYL: Tanlines, Washed Out, Mux Mool, Eliot Lipp
READ: www.myspace.com/hotjamzofjavelin
BUY: Lukabop, Lala, Amazon